Thursday, October 23, 2008

semiotics student seeking group!

I've spent several hours looking into ideas for this project but haven't come to anything in particular on which I'm determined to settle. Fed for years the advantages of agile programming, I would really prefer to brainstorm specifics with my group members, so I'll restrain this post to generalities specific enough to help with group selection!

Some of the general and recurrent ideas about which I love reading include schizophrenia-as-metaphor, bricolage, and little narratives, which have come up in the readings in conjunction with information studies. More specifically to this class I'm quite interested in the disembodiment of information (from its material form), and then in its fallout the notions of disembodiment, bodies, information, and power that are discussed by many of the authors we've read. I've become very alert to and fascinated by juxtapositions with capitalism, although I think that would perhaps better be suited to a more general and theoretical study and possibly less to this particular project.

Many of the specific ideas I was looking at involved either (1) analyses of the structure and characteristics of the World Wide Web (or more narrowly of Google/Wikipedia/&c. as its heralds), or (2) juxtapositions/comparisons with print media arts... but even here, there are some ideas that attract me more for which I just could not come up with a particular object or referent, so I'm quite open.

Which authors are tied into the project is highly dependent for me on the topic, and I'd be happy with most. I found Hayles especially rich; also Plant, Derrida as usual, and the Von Foerster, actually.

Please let me know by comment here or e-mail ( if you share some similar general interests, and we could meet sometime in the next couple days to start thinking through specific ideas!

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