Sunday, November 16, 2008

Distinction not distinctive

Content and expression, hand-tool and face-language. Correspondence and reality. The writings seem to play around the realm of reality and representation by stating their function and difference and severing a sort of unproblematic truth. The word becomes a command, a telling, a performance and not anything else. Reality is something quite other and we are only within the realm of binaries. The continuums and multiplicities express the nature of our relation but our language is insufficient and limited. A topology of interaction. The corporeal and the incorporeal layered on top of one another, not touching. Shifting between upwards and downwards and... The self become constructive and not just destructed, utilizing forms to create new forms. Kafka's German. Always becoming. The majority as Nobody. We are empty bodies to be filled. Intensities to be named. Each piece is an example. The minority with its language; the majority with only a generality as its essence.

And the ways in which it's written, the first paragraphs as straightforward slowly warping, the end almost a fiction like prose poetry. The distinctions and binaries significantly insignificant. How many times did content and expression become expressed as a difference at once essential and arbitrary?

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