Starting from the point where I feel kind of seduced by Hayles as well as Terranova, who seem to contradict each other fundamentally. I would like to re-map how they constitute subjectivity and do a comparison, of where this gets us and if it makes any sense. Or which theoretical model holds which possibilities/has which flaws?
The idea is at the moment to start out with hayles conceptualization of information loosing its body through cybernetics + us turning into being posthuman
Terranova's reading of information gaining a body through cybernetics + and us being mass/individual
and how different are they? terranovas mass/individual seems to work pretty similar to a flickering signifier. flickering bodies? no it is kind of tempting to use hayles concept of flickering signifiers in connection to terranovas construction of subjectivity: since through the mass perceiption and waves of intensities can pass - and then there is a feed back loop - matterializing embodiment - it flickers for a moment of zero degree - back into the system - leaving a trace in the space the movement has turbulented through.
but I am essentially not quite sure how to conceptualize this, exactly. the idea is at the moment to first, see how information is defined and then see what happens to subjectivity and see where it takes me. My interest is especially to understand how I can be seduced by both since they seem to contradict each other quite a bit.
I am also intrigued by actor network theory, and would maybe like to tie it in, if it makes sense. and of course the wolf men, they are fun, they might stop by, too.
also not sure how the assignment differs because of the whole graduate student credit thing? shall i just write more pages?
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oh and there is also the idea to tie this in with political strategies somehow, maybe see which political movements have a similar conceptualization of subjectivity/agency. but that is at the more still a bit too fuzzy.
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